The Landor Association
The Landor Association seeks to enhance the work of our current Parents' Associations and the Old Girls' Association (OGA) of King's High, providing opportunities for former parents, staff and Governors and our many friends in the wider community, to be more actively involved in the life of King's High School and Warwick Preparatory School.
The Landor Association was formally launched at the Service of Founders and Benefactors on Wednesday 26 April 2017, when the Association Charter was signed.
Who is the Association for?
The Landor Association exists for the benefit of:
~ Existing pupils and parents of Warwick Preparatory School and King's High School
~ Alumnae of King's High and parents of alumnae
~ Current and former staff
~ Current and former governors
~ Other friends of King's High School and Warwick Preparatory School
~ The town of Warwick, and the local and wider area.
What are the benefits of the Landor Association?
There is an annual series of Association events, to which all members of our community, past and present, are invited, including:
~ Social events
~ Networking opportunities
~ Speaker events.
How do I join?
All members of our community are automatically members of the Association.
How will we keep in touch with you?
We will keep everyone informed of news and events through social media, e-news and newsletters. Please click here to view a copy of our privacy notice, which explains how and why we collect personal information about you.
We look forward to welcoming you to an Association event in the near future.