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'Pimm's and Nostalgia' at the Foundation Home Festival

There was something for everyone at the Foundation Creative Festival on the subject of 'Home'.

In addition to a cricket match, drama and musical events, a bouncy castle, food court, 'follow the blue brick road' trail and much much more, former Foundation pupils could enjoy strawberries and fizz in the Halse Pavilion. 

Specifically for King's High Old Girls we held a 'Pimm's and Nostagia' afternoon drop in session at the Oasis Room opposite the Dining Room. Here, the visitors could browse Ilex magazine and long school photographs at leisure. Other artefacts included the four school uniforms from the past 100-or-so years, the hats that were rendered 'optional wear' in 1977, the gift book presented to Miss Hare on her retirement signed by every girl in the school in 1970, and a New Testament which had been a gift to each girl in school in 1953, the year of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation.  

Among photographs on display were those of Dr Jean Constantine, Dr Barbara Ansell and Professor Muriel Tomlinson, the three Old Girls after which some of King's High laboratories were named. There were also photographs of the Smith Street Chemistry Laboratory in 1903, twenty five years before universal women's suffrage on the same terms as men, and the original Smith Street 'Dem', whose lecture theatre-style seating is now in the Victorian Schoolroom at Shugborough Hall.   

Current students whose mothers had attended King's High were amazed at the uniforms we used to wear,  while others perused the Ilexes to find out their friend's post-A level destinations.

For photographs of the afternoon, please click here.