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Emma Griffin

Former Foundation parent and KHAPS and WPSA chair. Image follows shortly

Emma has four daughters who have passed through both King's High and Warwick Prep, and has always taken an active interest in the activities of the parents' associations of the two schools. 

She was 'recruited' for the chair of KHAPS role by the chair incumbent, Tim WIlkes, at a 'Taste of King's High' dinner, and succeeded him as its chair. 

Emma's favourite initiative during her time in charge was the Head Master's Quiz, initially in partnership with Mr Nicholson when he arrived at the school in 2015. 

She was such an important figure to the parents' associations and was a driving force in maintaining KHAPS as an important contributor to school life, particularly the annual Pe4rsonal Achievement Awards in which Emma took a keen interest, assessing applications that led to the funding of so many personal extracurricular development activities.